রবিবার, ১ জানুয়ারী, ২০১২

Rules for correction

Rule-1: Subordinate clause ‡Kvb conjunction of comparison Øviv ïi“ n‡j principal clause ‡h †Kvb tense-Gi n‡Z cv‡i|‡hgb-
  1. He likes you better than he liked me.
  2. He liked you better than he liked me.
  3. He has liked you better than he liked me.

Rule-2: ev‡K¨ AZxZKv‡ji †Kvb w`b, ZvwiL ev mg‡qi D‡j­L _vK‡j †hgb:Last night, last week, last month, last year, long since, long ago, Just now, a few minutes ago, a long time ago BZ¨vw` _vK‡j G‡`i c~e©eZx© verb Gi past indefinite tense nq|
  1. He came long ago. (not he has come…)

Rule-3: ‡Kvb KvR Kivi mgq BwZg‡a¨B AwZevwnZ n‡q †M‡Q , Kv‡RB Avi †`ix bv K‡i GLbB KvRwU Kiv DwPZ Giƒc eySv‡j It is
high time e¨eüZ nq Ges Gici verb Gi past indefinite tense e¨eüZ nq|
  1. It is high time we helped the orphans. (not .. we help the orphans.)

Rule-4: eZ©gvbKv‡j ev fwel¨ZKv‡j †Kvb wKQyi mgv‡jvPbv ev cÖwZev` eySv‡Z It is time GB phrase e¨envi Ki‡Z nq I Gici verb
Gi past indefinite tense e¨envi Ki‡Z nq|
  1. It is time we did the job. (not we do….)
  2. It is time you did a G.D.

Rule-5: Conditional sentence G if clause G past indefinite tense _vK‡j,Aci clause wU‡Z would + verb Gi simple
form e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| wKš‘ Conditional sentence G if clause G past perfect tense _vK‡j cieZx© clause G would + have + past
participle of main verb form  e¨envi Ki‡Z nq|
  1. If I were you I would help him. (not .. would have helped him)
  2. If I had got that job I would have earned a lot of money. (not I would earn…..)

Rule-6: very Ges much Gi †¶‡Î very me©`v present participle Gi c~‡e© Ges much me©`v past participle Gi c~‡e© e‡m|
  1. The story is very interesting. (not much interesting)

Rule-7:Subject Gi quality eySv‡Z adjective Ges manner eySv‡Z adverb e¨eüZ nq|
  1. They felt cold there. (not coldly)
  2. He looks wise. (not wisely)

Rule-8: More than one ‡K singular wnmv‡e aiv nq Ges Gi noun and verb singular nq| wKš‘ more than two ‡K plural
ai‡Z nq Ges noun and verb plural Ki‡Z nq|
  1. More than two men were there. (not….two man was there)

Rule-9: Two or more singular nouns or pronouns joined by and require a plural verb. But if the nouns suggest
one idea to the mind or refer to the same person or thing the verb is singular.
  1. Rice and jute are grown here. (not is)
  2. Bread and butter is my faourite food. (not are because  iywUi mv‡_ gvLb GB A‡_©)
  3. Truthfulness and honesty is sine-qua-non for the personality.

Rule-10: wbw`©ó msL¨vevPK adjective , noun Gi c~‡e© vK‡j dozen, brace, score, pair, fathom, yoke, hundred, thousand
BZ¨vw`i plural nq bv| wKš‘ Awbw`©ó msL¨v some, a few, several, many BZ¨vw` c~‡e© _vK‡j orG‡`i cybt cybt Dw³ eySv‡j G‡`i plural nq |
  1. Give me two pair of books. (not fairs)
  2. He has hundreds of money. (not hundred)

Rule-11: Or, nor, either …. Or, neither … nor,  Øviv hy³ `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK singular noun _vK‡j verb singular number
nq| hw` number G wfbœ nq Z‡e verb Gi wbKUeZx© noun wUi number Abymv‡i verb Gi iƒc n‡e|
  1. Neither rice nor bread is essential for him. (Not are)
  2. Either Nakbee or his brothers are guilty for this.

Rule-12: As well as Øviv `ywU noun hy³ n‡j G‡`I cÖ_gwUi Abymv‡i verb Gi iƒc n‡e| with, together with same result.
  1. Mina as well as her sisters was present. (Not were)

Rule-13: When the plural noun is a proper name for some single object or some collective unit, it must be followed by a singular.
  1. Gulliver’s Travels was written by Swift.
  2. The United States has a big navy.

Rule-14: With, together with, along with, accompanied by, in addition to etc has no effect on verb.
  1. Wasim, together with his brother was present in the meeting. (Not were)

Rule-15: We use singular verb after “many a” but we use plural verb after “a many”.
  1. Many a man was present in the discussion meeting. (Not were)
  2. A great many students have done mistake. (Not has)

Rule-16: GKB ai‡bi A‡bK¸‡jvi mgwó eySv‡j verb singular nq| wKš‘ mKj‡K mgwóMZ fv‡e bv eywS‡q Avjv`vfv‡e eySv‡j verb plural nq|
  1. The army is disciplined. (Not are)
  2. The Jury are divided in their opinions. (Not is)

Rule-17: `yB‡qi g‡a¨ eySv‡Z each other Ges `yB‡qi †ekx n‡j one another e¨eüZ nq|
  1. Zahir and Mirza loves each other.
  2. Boys and girls entered the classroom one another. (Not each other)

Rule-18: A‡PZb c`v_©†evaK ev BZi cÖvYxevPK noun Gi †k‡l Õs †hvM K‡i possessive case MVb bv K‡i of ewm‡q m¤úK© wb‡`©k Ki‡Z nq| Z‡e m‡PZb c`v_© eySv‡j Õs †hvM K‡i ev of ewm‡q possessive case MVb Kiv hvq|
  1. The legs of the table are broken. (not the table’s legs)
  2. Shelley’s poems/ the poems of Shelley are romantic.

Rule-19: After Latin: comparative prefer, senior, junior, superior, inferior, prior, anterior and posterior we use “to” not than.
  1. He is senior to me. (Not than)

Rule-20: There is no passive voice of the verb belong, issue, die, disappear, happen etc.
  1. He died in 1987. (Not he was died in 1987)
  2. This book belongs to me. (Not this book is belonged to me).

Rule-21: Adjective Gi c~‡e© such _vK‡j article “a” or “an” adjective Gi c~‡e© e‡m| wKš‘ so _vK‡j c‡i e‡m|
  1. Lyon is so studious a boy that he will pass the examination with success. (Not so a studious boy).
  2. Alex is such a wonderful boy that he can draw the attention of all. (Not such wonderful a boy).

Rule-22: So that, in order that D‡Ï‡k¨ A‡_© e¨eüZ n‡j G‡`i ci tense Abymv‡i can/may/will /shall BZ¨vw` e‡m|
  1. We eat so that we may live.

Rule-23: We do not use “to” after please, see, let, make, know, feel, hear, bid, need, behold, watch and dare in the active voice.
  1. I saw him dancing. (Not “to dance). Or he was seen to dance by me.

Rule-24; Before proper noun we use “all” or “the whole of”. And before plural common noun we use “all’ and before singular common noun we use “the whole”.
  1. The whole of/all Bangladesh enjoyed the program.
  2. Give me the whole mango. (Not give me all the mangoes.)
  3. I have drunk all (of) the milk (uncountable noun Gi mv‡_ all (of) e¨eüZ nq|

Rule-25: After had better, would rather/sooner the “to” of the infinitive is hidden.
  1. We had better cheek the bill. (Not … better to cheek the bill.)

Rule-26: we`vq Kvjxb m¤¢vlY eySv‡Z good night, good-bye e¨eüZ nq|wKš‘ mv¶vZKvjxb ev we`vqKvjxb `yÕai‡Yi m¤¢vlY eySv‡ZB good morning, good evening, good afternoon, good day etc is used.
  1. Good evening, how are you? (Not good night, how are you?)

Rule-27: After adjective we use active infinitive not passive infinitive.
  1. This is hard to believe. (Not ….. hard to be believed.)

Rule-28:If the subject of need is “living thing” then we use “to” after need. But if inanimate subject we use passive infinitive or gerund.
  1. I need to learn my lessons.
  2. His hair needs to be cut/needs cutting.

Rule-29: After same can be used as or that But after such we use only as.
  1. This is the same pen as I lost. (Not ….. which I lost)
  2. I don’t like such boys as are idle. (Not ….. that are idle)

Rule-30: Two nouns qualified by each or every, even though connected by and, require a singular verb.
  1. Every boy and every girl was given a packet of sweets.

Rule-31: when two nouns in the possessive case are in apposition the apostrophe with ‘s’ is added to the last only.
  1. My Brother Harry’s watch.

Rule-32: The case of a pronoun following than or as is determined by mentally supplying the verb.
  1. He loves you more than I (love you).

Rule-33: A pronoun must agree with its antecedent in person, number and gender. 
  1. Each of the girls gave her own version of the affair. (Not their)

Rule-34: When the subject of a verb is a relative pronoun case should be taken to see that the verb agrees in number and person with the antecedent of the relative.
  1. This is one of the most interesting novels that have (not has) appeared this year. (The antecedent of that is novels, not one)
  2. This is the only one of his poems that is (not are) worth reading.

Rule-35: In conversation, the interrogative who is often used for whom even by educated people.
  1. Who did you see? (Instead of “whom did you see?”)

Rule-36: A noun or pronoun in the possessive case should not be used as the antecedent to a relative pronoun.
1.      Do not forget the enthusiasm of him who brought this movement so far. (Not.. his enthusiasm who .. )

Rule-37: The relative pronoun is sometimes wrongly omitted when it is the subject of the clause.
  1. He has an impudence that would carry him through anything. (Not only ‘would)

Rule-38: when the antecedent is same, the consequent should be as or that.
  1. That is the same man that/as we saw yesterday.
  2. I played with the same bat that you did.

Rule-39: Do not use less when fewer is required. Less can refer to quantity only, where as fewer denotes number.
  1. No fewer (Not less) than fifty miners were killed in the explosion.
  2. We do not sell less than ten pounds of tea.

Rule-40: The words hour, honest, heir, hotel, historical began with a vowel sound, the initial consonant ‘h’ being silent. So in this case used ‘an’. On the other hand the Words University, European etc begin with a consonant sound that of ‘yu’.

Rule-41:  If prefer + verb than we use prefer + verb + ing (I.e. gerund) (Abyiƒc excuse, avoid, forbid, advice, finish, consider, forgave, stop, pardon, start, practice, enjoy)
  1. He prefers reading to writing. (not he prefers to read than to write)

Rule-42:  If preposition + verb than we use verb + ing.
  1. She forgot about going there. (not  … about to go there)
  2. You prevented him from going there. 

Rule-43: Modal verb Gici me mgq bare infinitive or to wenxb infinitive A_©vr verb word e‡m| G¸‡jvi wVK c‡i †Kvb verb em‡j Zvi mv‡_ s/es/ing/ed wKQyB hy³ nq bv|
  1. He should go now. (not to go now)
  2. They must do it. Or they must be doing it. (not they must doing it)
      *    In. I know the time when he will come.
            Cor. I know when he will come (because when means time)
      *    In.  I know the place where he lives.
      *    in.  This is the reason why he did it.

Rule-44: As a general rule who is used for persons only. But sometimes whose (the genitive form of who) used of things without life.
  1. The sun, whose rays give life to the earth.

Rule-45: Which is used for things without life and for animals. Which was formerly used to refer to persons. Which may also refer to a sentence.
  1. Our father, which art in heaven.
  2. He said he saw me there, which was a lie.

Rule-46: The auxiliaries have to and used to prefer the adverb in front of them.
  1. I often have to go to college on foot.
  2. He always used to agree with me.
Rule-47: Adverbs of frequency, which answer the question ‘how often?’ (e.g always, never, Often,  rarely, usually, generally, almost, already, hardly, nearby, just). We normally put between the subject and the verb if the verb consists of only one word.
  1. He has never seen a tiger.

Rule-48: It is necessary/essential/important Gfv‡e Avm‡j Subjunctive -Gi wbqgvbyhvqx G‡`i c‡i  that clause -Gi verbwU me©`v Ggb present form n‡e hvi mv‡_ s/es, -ing wKsev Ab¨ †Kvb modal em‡e bv|
  1. It is mandatory that you get at least five marks in both Bangla & English.(not have to get)

Rule-49: ‡Kvb wKQy‡Z Af¨vm wQj, GLb †bB G‡¶‡Î used to+v e¨eüZ nq| wKš‘ †Kvb wKQy‡Z Af¨¯— †evSv‡Z be used to+v+inge¨eüZ nq|
  1. We Bengalis are used to eating rice.

Rule-50: Interrogative pronoun ‘who’ hLb †Kvb ev‡K¨iI subject wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq Ges sentence wU hw` indefinite nq| Z‡e auxiliary verb bvI em‡Z cv‡i|
      Inc. Who does come here?
      Cor. Who comes here?

Rule-51: Relative pronoun wnmv‡e e¨eüZ that Gi c~‡e© KLbI preposition e¨eüZ nq bv| preposition Gi `iKvi n‡j Dnv sentence Gi †k‡l P‡j hvq|
      Inc. Kader is the boy of that I told you.
      Cor. Kader is the boy that I told you of.
      Inc. No one sets fire to a house in that he lives.
      Cor. No one sets fire to a house that he lives in.

Rule-52: Possessive noun ev pronoun †Kvb Relative pronoun Gi antecedent wnmv‡e e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡ibv|
      Inc. We had the pleasure of khan’s company whom we like.
      Cor. We had the pleasure of the company of khan whom we liked.

Rule-53: As hLb Relative pronoun wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq ZLb Gi c~‡e©  Aek¨B The same, such, as ev so em‡e|
      Inc. This is not a book as I wanted.
      Cor. This is not such a book as I wanted.

Rule-54: `ywU Relative pronoun Gi antecedent GKB n‡j Giv and ev but Øviv hy³ n‡Z cv‡i †Kvb †¶‡ÎB GKwU Relative pronoun Dn¨ _vK‡Z cv‡i bv|
      Inc. This is a story easy to follow & which is interesting.
      Cor. This is a story which is easy to follow & which is interesting.

Rule-55: Due to I owing to  Df‡qB wbwgËv‡_© e¨eüZ nq, wKš‘ G‡`i e¨envi GK bq| Due to mvaviYZ noun Gi c‡i e‡m Ges owing to  verb Gi c‡i e‡m |
  1. Owing to the accident, I could not go. (Not due to the accident)

Rule-56: Devoted I addicted Df‡qi A_©B Avm³ wKš‘ e¨envi GK bq| Devoted gv‡b fvj Kv‡R Avm³, Avi addicted gv‡b g›` Kv‡R Avm³|G‡`i c‡i preposition to e‡m|
  1. He is devoted to study.

Rule-57: Let Øviv sentence Avi¤¢ n‡j Let c‡i me©`v objective case nq|
      Inc. Let you and he be witness.
      Cor. Let you and him be witness.

Rule-58: preposition hLb subject wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq ZLb I‡`i object me mgq objective case nq|
      Inc. Between you and I.
      Cor. Between you and me.

Rule-59: hLb sentence G wgwbU D‡j­L _v‡K ZLb o’clock e‡m bv | wgwbU D‡j­L bv _vK‡j O’ clock e‡m|
  1. I shall start by the train.
  2. I shall start by the train.

Rule-60: ‡Kvb cÖvYx Wy‡e hvIqv eySv‡j drown Ges †Kvb e¯‘ Wy‡e hvIqv eySv‡j sink e¨eüZ nq| sink intransitive verb e‡j active voice nq Ges drown  passive voice G e¨eüZ nq|
  1. The ship sank.
  2. The dove is drowned in the pond.

Rule-61: ago Ges before w`‡q AZx‡Zi NUbv‡K wb‡`©k Kiv nq| ago eZ©gv‡bi c~‡e©i mgq‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡Z e¨eüZ nq Ges before AZx‡Zi wbw`©ó mg‡qi c~‡e©i NUbv‡K eySv‡Z e¨eüZ nq|
      Inc. Azad got BCS job ago masters.
      Cor. Azad got BCS job before masters.

Rule-62: mvaviYZ BwZevPK adjective Gi c~‡e© quite Ges †bwZevPK adjective Gi c~‡e© very e‡m|
  1. The road is very dangerous.

Rule-63: ‡`‡ki Rb¨ Av‡Z¥vrmM© Ki‡j †m‡¶‡Î for , †iv‡M gviv †M‡j of , `yN©Ubv ev AcNv‡Z ev AvKw¯§K g„Zz¨ n‡j by Ges AwaK †L‡q gviv †M‡j from nq|
  1. She died of fever.
  2. He died for his country.

Rule-64: adverb ev adverb phrase Gi c~‡e© preposition e‡m bv|
      Inc. She tried with heart and soul.
      Cor. She tried heart and soul.

Rule-65: listen A_© g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i †kvbv| GwU mvaviYZ GKwU B”QvK…Z Kvh©| Ab¨w`‡K hear A_© †kvbv| GwU Øviv eySvq †h †kªvZv mvaviYfv‡e wKQy ïb‡Z cvq|
  1. Listen to me, dear students.
  2. One can hear the sound of a blast from a long distance.

Rule-66: `ywU mvnvh¨Kvix verb KL‡bv GKmv‡_ ev cvkvcvwk e¨eüZ nq bv|
      Inc. He must can help you.
      Cor. He must help you.

Rule-67: ‡Kvb possessive Gici ‡Kej adjective e¨eüZ n‡e bv| eis noun A_ev adjective + noun e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i|
  1. His honesty/honest nature. (not his honest)

Rule-68: possessive pronoun Gici s-hy³ verb ev g~j verb e¨eüZ n‡e bv| Z‡e ing-hy³ verb A_v©r verbal noun e¨eüZ n‡e|
  1. My writing (not my write)

Rule-69: late/lately: late wej‡¤^ A‡_© e¨eüZ nq| Ab¨w`‡K lately Øviv m¤cÖwZ ev B`vwbs A_© cÖKvk K‡i|
  1. The boy came here late.
  2. I have received the letter lately.

Rule-70: Borrow/lend: Kv‡iv KvQ †_‡K wKQy wb‡Z n‡j Borrow Ges w`‡Z n‡j lend e‡m|
  1. Can I borrow your cycle?

Rule-71: Bring/take: mvaviYZ †hB RvqMvq Av‡Q †mLv‡b evm Kiv ej‡Z Bring Ges Ab¨ RvqMvq hvIqvi K_v ej‡Z take e‡m|
  1. This is a nice hotel, thanks for bringing me here.
  2. Let us have another drink and then I will take you home.

Rule-72: deny/refuse: deny gv‡b AZxZ KvR A¯^xKvi Kiv Avi refuse gv‡b eZ©gvb I fwel¨Z KvR A¯^xKvi Kiv|
  1. Why did you deny this?
  2. Why will you refuse the truth?

Rule-73: later/latter: mgq eySv‡Z later e¨eüZ nq| wKš‘ µg ev Ae¯’vb eySv‡Z latter e¨eüZ nq|
  1. Simu after comes later than Binu.
  2. Dolon will come in the latter part of this year.

Rule-74: advice/advise: advice A_© Dc‡`k| Bnv GKwU noun| wKš‘advise nj verb hvi A_© Dc‡`k †`qv|

Rule-75: everyday/every day: everyday GKwU adjective, A_© cÖvZ¨wnK, ˆ`bw›`b| Ab¨w`‡K every day A_© cÖwZw`b|
  1. We should try to maintain our everyday happiness.
  2. He goes to office every day.

Rule-76: In/on/to: mxgvi g‡a¨ eySv‡Z In, mxgvi evB‡I Ae¯’vb eySv‡Z to Ges mxgvi Dcwifv‡M eySv‡Z on e‡m|
  1. Rangpur is in the north of Bangladesh.
  2. Saint Martin Island is to the south of Bangladesh.
  3. Tajindong is on the south of Bangladesh.

Rule-77: Since/for/from: wbw`©ó mg‡qi c~‡e© e‡m Since Ges perfect or perfect continuous tense nq| for e¨vcK mg‡qi c~‡e© Ges from me tense -G wbw`©ó mg‡qi c~‡e© e‡m|
  1. It has been raining since Monday.
  2. He has been working for a week.
  3. He is absent from Monday.

Rule-78: Above/on/over: ‡h‡Kvb wRwb‡mi Zj ¯úk© K‡i _vK‡j on, Z‡ji A‡bK Dc‡i _vK‡j over Ges ¯úk©nxb Ae¯’vq _vK‡j Above e‡m|
  1. The book is on the table.
  2. The roof is over my head.
  3. The sky is above us.

Rule-79: under/below: ‡Kvb e¯‘ Z‡ji wb‡P _vK‡j under Ges Zj ¯úk© K‡i _vK‡j below nq|

Rule-80: altogether/all together: altogether A_© me©‡Zvfv‡e ev c~Y©fv‡e Ges GwU GKwU adverb | Ab¨w`‡K all together A_© mevB GKmv‡_ ev GKwU `‡j|
  1. Returning to his birth place after forty years, Lyon became altogether confused.
  2. We all together decided to go to his house.

Rule-81: Similar elements must have a similar form.
      Inc. The review praised the, wit, charm and interpreting of the recitalist but never mentioned her voice.
NB: GLv‡b wit I charm Df‡q noun myZivs Z…ZxqUvI noun n‡e| ZvB interpreting Gi ¯’‡j interpretation n‡e|
      Inc. Samantha and Jane went shopping but she couldn’t find anything she liked.
NB: GLv‡b she Samantha ev Jane KvD‡K clear K‡i K‡i bv| ZvB clear Ki‡Z She Gi cwie‡Z© Samantha ev Jane ev they n‡e|

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