রবিবার, ১ জানুয়ারী, ২০১২

Right from of verbs

Rule-1: Universal truths always present indefinite tense.
  1. The virtuous (be) always happy.
              The virtuous are always happy.

Rule-2: If one sentence has two verbs than we use present participle in the 2nd verb.
  1. The sailors saw an albatross (to fly) towards the ship.
            Ans.  The sailors saw an albatross flying towards the ship.

Rule-3: If one clause of compound or complex sentence is past tense than the other clause of the sentence must be past tense.
  1. A soft wind came and (blow) the ship gently back to harbour.
            Ans.  A soft wind came and blew the ship gently back to harbour.

Rule-4: If principal clause is past tense and other clause or sentence has next day, tomorrow etc. than we use would after the subject.
  1. He said that he (go) there the next day.
            Ans. He said that he would go there the next day.

Rule-5: since Øviv GKvwaK clause hy³ n‡j cÖ_g clause present indefinite tense ev Present perfect tense n‡j c‡iiwU past indefinite tense nq| Avi c~‡e©i clause past indefinite tense n‡j c‡iiwU past perfect tense nq|
  1. Well, it is many years since they first met.
  2. It was long since I had seen you last.

Rule-6: Modifier singular wKsev plural hvB †nvK bv †Kb subject Abyhvqx verb Gi form n‡e|
      Inc. The chairman voted man of the year by the students are laughing.
      Cor. The chairman voted man of the year by the students is laughing. (here students Modifier)

Rule-7: At first of a sentence has ‘had’ or ‘if’ and means as like if than after the last subject of the sentence we use auxiliary verb would have and main verb must be past participle. (Av‡iKwU wbqg G‡¶‡Î wØZxq subject Gici  would have Gi cwie‡Z© might e¨envi Ki‡jI P‡j| Z‡e G‡¶‡Î cieZ©x g~j verb present AvKv‡i _vK‡e|)
  1. Had the queen of Sheba lived in the flat across the airshaft, Della (let) her hairs hang out the window to dry.
              Ans.  Had the queen of Sheba lived in the flat across the airshaft, Della would have let her hairs hang out the window to dry.

Rule-8: After ‘let’ verb always present indefinite tense.
  1. I let the other boys (to use) skates.
            Ans. I let the other boys use skates.

Rule-9: Preposition of Gi cieZ©x verb Gi mwnZ ing ‡hvM nq| (Abyiƒc keep, help, without, remain Gi c‡iI| GQvov mvavibZ `ywU verb em‡j 2qwUi mv‡_ ing ‡hvM nq; present participle)|
  1. I never thought of (go) there.
            Ans.  I never thought of going there.
  1. I should be sorry to leave Paris without (have) some of them.
            Ans. I should be sorry to leave Paris without having some of them.

Rule-10: After having we use past participle of the verb.
  1. Having (to finish) the work I shall go home.
            Ans. Having finished the work I shall go home.

Rule-11: After ‘as if’ or ‘as though’ we use past tense of the verb.
  1. He talks as if he (be) mad.
            Ans. He talks as if he were mad. (G‡¶‡Î be verb n‡j memgq mKj person Gi mv‡_ were e‡m)

Rule-12: B”Qvm~PK ev‡K¨ 1st person Gi mwnZ were e‡m hw` (be) e¨v‡K‡U _v‡K Ges g~j verb e¨v‡K‡U _vK‡jGi past tense nq|
  1. I wish I (be) dead.
            Ans.  I wish I were dead.
  1. I wish I (sing).
            Ans.  I wish I sang. Or I wish I could sing.

Rule-13: ‡Kvb  sentence G for or since Gici mgq D‡j­L _vK‡j present perfect continuous tense nq| Ges for or since Gici mgq eySv‡jGes past tense  _vK‡j cÖ_g clause or sentence wU past perfect tense nq|
  1. She (save) every penny for months.
            Ans.  She has been saving every penny for months.
  1. She (save) every penny she could for months.
            Ans.  She had been saving every penny she could for months.

Rule-14:  wbw`©ó msL¨vevPK (mgq, ‰`N©¨,cwigvb) subject Gi verb singular number nq|
  1. Sixty cents of it (be) in pennies.
            Ans.  Sixty cents of it was in pennies.

Rule-15: Sentence G  infinitive (to mn verb) Gi c~‡e© go verb _vK‡j GB verb wU present continuous tense nq|
  1. I (go) to buy a car.
            Ans.  I am going to buy a car.

Rule-16: : till, until, unless, when, before, after Ges if Øviv `ywU clause hy³ n‡j Gme conjunction hy³ AskwU present indefinite tense nq| AciwU future indefinite tense nq|
  1. Unless you read well, you will fail.

Rule-17: No sooner, scarcely Ges hardly hy³ sentenceGi cÖ_g clause wUi verb form past perfect tense nq Ges cieZ©x clause wUi verb indefinite tense nq| No sooner Gi †¶‡Î then Ges scarcely I hardly Gi †¶‡Î when e‡m|
  1. Scarcely had they reached the station when the train left.
  2. Hardly had I reached the University when the examination began.

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